Friday, April 22, 2005

MEX Blog, 21.04.2005: Aufsatz ueber Blogs und Unternehmenskommunikation

MEX Blog, 21.04.2005: Aufsatz ueber Blogs und Unternehmenskommunikation

MEX Blog, 22.04.2005: Blogeinnahme Modelle und die Krux am Traffic

MEX Blog, 22.04.2005: Blogeinnahme Modelle und die Krux am Traffic

MEX Blog, 20.05.2005: Podcasting ohne Sorgen

MEX Blog, 20.05.2005: Podcasting ohne Sorgen

Yahoo! News, 02.04.2005: Plugged in - Next Big Tech Ideas May Be Small Ones

Yahoo! News, 02.04.2005: Plugged in - Next Big Tech Ideas May Be Small Ones, 21.04.2005: Podcasting: Making Waves, 21.04.2005: Podcasting: Making Waves, 02.05.2005: Blogs Will Change Your Business, 02.05.2005: Blogs Will Change Your Business

heise online, 22.04.2005: Der digitale Verbraucher: glaesern mit RFID, Kundenkarten und Scoring?

heise online, 22.04.2005: Der digitale Verbraucher: glaesern mit RFID, Kundenkarten und Scoring?, 22.05.2005: Technorati, Bloglines, and The Economics of Feeds, 22.05.2005: Technorati, Bloglines, and The Economics of Feeds

mezzoblue, 14.04.2005: Avalon/XAML First Look

mezzoblue, 14.04.2005: Avalon/XAML First Look

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 Technology, 08.02.2005: Steal this bookmark! Technology, 08.02.2005: Steal this bookmark!
Tagging, the Web's newest game, lets you see what other people are reading and thinking. Welcome to the key-worded universe.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

heise online - "Einstein fuer Einsteiger" -- Internet-Portal zur Relativitaetstheorie

heise online, 18.01.2005 - "Einstein fuer Einsteiger" -- Internet-Portal zur Relativitaetstheorie
United against comment spam

This is already being blogged all over the place, but I have to shout about it, too: several major search and blogging organizations (including Google, Yahoo! and Six Apart) have agreed upon a simple method to significantly reduce comment spam.