Tuesday, October 30, 2001

ORF ON Futurezone Österreich im europäischen Spitzenfeld
E-Commerce-Akzeptanz liegt über europäischem Durchschnitt | B2B-Geschäft überwiegt bei weitem

Thursday, October 25, 2001

BLOGGER - NewsBloggerBar
BLOGGER - How to create a BlogThis! bookmarklet
BLOGGER - News Archive It's all about plugging in. I haven't caught up with it all myself, but there is lots on Scripting News today about the Blogger API. Dave's doing a better job of covering it than I am. Be sure to read Connecting with Blogger. It explains the interesting things going on from a high-level perspective. If you're not a techie, all of this may seem a little esoteric and unmeaningful to you. But, trust me, you'll soon be experiencing the benifits. For example, last night, I released a script that let's you edit your Blogger template from Macromedia HomeSite (without the copying and pasting). If you use HomeSite and Blogger, you can run it yourself with just some slight modification, and it makes editing your template much nicer and faster?without taking away the benefits of doing it via the web interface when you need to. It's just a start, but it's way cool, IMO. Check it out. Lots more to come.
? Ev. [8/13/2001 01:25:46 PM]
BLOGGER - News Archive NewsBlogger Bar fix: For those of you who have the NewsBlogger IE toolbar button installed and wondering when/if it will work again, here's how to fix it: Run regedit, do a search for "" and change that to "http://news.blogger.com/bar/default.asp". I'll release a new version with this change when I get a chance to install VS again. (The old version is here.)
? Ev. [8/27/2001 03:15:32 PM]
BLOGGER - News Archive NewsBlogger is back! After an extended haitus, NewsBlogger, the (beta) product of Moreover and Pyra's brief, one-time mindmeld is back and in service for your news blogging needs. I'm not sure what the future holds for NewsBlogger, but I'm glad that, for now at least, I will once again be well informed on the news of the day?as will my readers. And, perhaps, yours. Enjoy. (BTW, ignore the funny URL for now?it'll be available at newsblogger.com and news.blogger.com as soon as the DNS fairies do their thing.)
? Ev. [7/10/2001 08:36:58 PM]
BLOGGER - News Archive Tracking Bloggers With Blogdex: "MIT's Media Lab is experimenting with a tool for indexing the most popular hypertext links across thousands of weblogs and has ambitious plans to turn it into a resource for the mass media."
? Ev. [7/30/2001 12:25:15 PM]
Connecting with Blogger Connecting with Blogger

A "glue script table" that connects UserLand scripting environments to the popular Blogger web application through its XML-RPC interface. You can post to your blog from the outliner. Other examples are provided.