Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Eric Norlin's Blog, 28.07.2002: Palladium Speaks Peter Biddle is the Technical Director for the Palladium project., 22.05.2002 : Yusuf Mehdi transcript from Goldman Sachs Internet New Media E-commerce Conference; Google I think of really more as a competitor than I would as a partner.
How Weblogs Keep the Media Honest (, 31.07.2002)
a klog apart, 28.07.2002: More content categorizers

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Jon Udell, 30.07.2002: RSS in the dog days of summer
DevShed, 16.07.2002: Using The Google Web APIs With PHP, 24.07.2002: Zeev Suraski's interview : Part II, 12.07.2002: Interview Zeev, PHP for the profesionnal
WebmasterBase - Build your own Web Service with PHP and XML-RPC
BadBlue Report, Juli 2002: PHP Watch: the business case for PHP
Peter Drayton's Radio Weblog, 17.06.2002: Amazon Web Service API
Theilgaard Consult: Mac OS X Server configuration Manual (PDF, USD 20)
Incutio Limited: PHP Amazon Search
COMPUTERWOCHE Online, 25.07.2002: PHP soll kein Java-Clone werden
dive into mark, 29.07.2002: While you were out
mesh on MX, 29.07.2002: Flash Communication Server and Bandwidth
mesh on MX, 19.07.2002: Learning to build Applications with Flash MX
Macromedia Flash - Using the Google web service in Macromedia Flash MX - Flash Player Version Penetration: Adoption Statistics