Monday, July 31, 2006

GigaOM, 29.07.2006: WiFi On Mobiles: Fact or Fiction?

GigaOM, 29.07.2006: WiFi On Mobiles: Fact or Fiction?

by Om Malik: "The New York Times takes a look at the emerging trend of mobile phones with built in Wi-Fi connectivity and concludes that the barbarians are at the gates. Their conclusion is that WiFi could pose challenges to the traditional cell phone carriers."

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Open Gardens, 20.07.2006: web 2.0 revenue models: Show me the money!

Open Gardens, 20.07.2006: web 2.0 revenue models: Show me the money!
by Ajit Jaokar: "This article discusses revenue models for web 2.0. It shows how PageRank is an indicator of web 2.0.
It also discusses how conventional communities are not Web 2.0."

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Thursday, July 06, 2006,Enterprise Web 2.0: Is IBM making enterprise mashups respectable?,Enterprise Web 2.0: Is IBM making enterprise mashups respectable?by Dion Hinchcliffe: "analysis of the fascinating ramifications of IBM's recent statements at the New York PHP Conference aimed at mainstreaming mashup and Web 2.0 technologies."

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