A VC, 03.03.2007: All Software Should Be Social by Fred Wilson: "Since reading that, I can barely use software that doesn't have other people in it. I want profiles and faces and connections. I want to see what others are doing with the software. I want to connect and be connected."
The Content Economy, 01.03.2007: Web 2.0 And The Content Management Problem by Oscar Berg: "Web 2.0 applications such as wikis and blogs encourage freeform and open communication and thereby facilitate information and knowledge exchange. But, they will also lead to an organic growth of content with an – more or less - ad hoc organization."
Read/Write Web, 28.02.2006: Adobe Engage - How Will Apollo Impact Mainstream Users? by Jay Fortner: "After attending Adobe’s Engage event, where Adobe peeled the covers off Apollo, I began to wonder how compelling this offering is for the mainstream user; and what is the most likely diffusion scenario (i.e. how it will be accepted by the market)."
Techcrunch, 28.02.2007: Best Apollo Demos by Ryan Stewart: "There were a bunch of product demos today at Adobe’s Engage event, but there were a few that stood out and should have a big impact on the startup world. They also happened to be some of the best demos of the day."
Mashable, 27.02.2007: Brightcove Launching AfterMix - Pulls Ahead of YouTube? by Pete Cashmore: "The video platform Brightcove is trying to make moves into YouTube’s consumer-facing territory: as part of that venture, they’re expected to launch Aftermix (closed beta coming in a few weeks), a tool that lets users borrow professional video clips and incorporate them into into their own productions."